Lymphangitis in horses is an inflammation and/or swelling associated with impairment of the lymphatic system, particularly in a limb.
The main functions of the lymphatic system are;
- Prevent the accumulation of fluid
- Help fight infection
- Repair injuries
- Transport
- Supply the cells with nutrients
- Remove waste - e.g. damaged or dead tissue.
Inflammation of the lymph vessels usually occurs after infection has entered the body through a cut or wound. Lymph vessels get damaged and can no longer drain lymph fluid from the affected area. This also means that the body cannot fight infection as well as it can with a healthy lymph system.
Symptoms of Lymphangitis
Clinical signs include;
- Swelling
- Yellow fluid seeping from the skin
- Reduced mobility
- Increase in temperature
- General distress
Can Niagara Equissage help with Lymphangitis?
Yes it can.
However all cases of lymphangitis need to be taken seriously to try and prevent permanent thickening, also to restore properly balanced fluid regulation in the body. Lymphangitis treatment should be used under veterinary guidance as the condition can rapidly deteriorate.
The deep cycloidal massage promotes activity within the body encouraging good blood flow which is an aid to healing and helping to encourage the movement of the lymph fluid. While Niagara Equissage does not actually replace physical movement of the limbs such is the depth of the massage combined with the “vibration” that occurs throughout the body (even the extremities) that circulation is stimulated without actually causing additional discomfort to the horse.
Also, due to the discomfort of Lymphangitis generally, the horse will tend to stand awkwardly and in an unnatural stance which in turn creates additional tension and discomfort particularly across the back. It is well-known that Niagara Equissage helps the back muscles. If the horse can be encouraged to stand more correctly, then automatically more weight is taken on the hind limbs which help with the gravitational pull. Plus the toxins created by the necessary antibiotics and anti-inflammatory are readily removed.
For Lymphangitis, use the Back Pad twice a day on a No.3-No.4 setting. The temptation is to use a higher setting but this will not aid quicker healing and in fact could hinder it. If lymph vessels have been damaged, there is inflammation and this in turn spreads to the surrounding tissues so there is a situation of general congestion as the normal flow of all fluids is disrupted.
Using Niagara Equissage too vigorously may add to the congestion by actively promoting circulation to an area where fluid movement is restricted; a lower setting, will help a more effective cycle of removal of the unwanted and replacement with “clean” fluids.
Depending on individual cases, the horse may tolerate the use of the Hand Unit on the hind limbs but if the skin has ulcerated below the hocks, then restrict use to above the hock.

See All- Kentucky Derby Winning Trainer & Olympic Show Jumping Silver Medalist
"The Niagara Equissage is great for warming up and relaxing horses before daily training. We use it for pre-race warm up and for post-race stiffness. We also find that it works great on fillies that tie up."
- "I like the way the Niagara Equissage relaxes the horses. It helps with sore muscles and the horses recuperation after hard races. I can see a difference."
- "I really like the Niagara Equissage therapy system to warm up my horses before exercise, and to warm down after cross country. I use it on my horses on a regular basis."