Equine disciplines
Show Jumping / Hunters
Show Jumping tests a horse's ability to jump a challenging course, usually with the shortest time possible and with the fewest faults.
To participate in this very competitive discipline, a horse needs agility, balance, control and power. The most important quality of a good show jumper is a horse that lifts its front legs from the shoulders, so enabling it to clear the fences well. Any restriction in forelimb movement can be related to tightness in the trapezium muscle supporting the shoulder blades, preventing full contraction to lift the forelegs clear. The muscles of the shoulder extend at the latissimus dorsi muscle along the whole length of the spine and, consequently restriction in the shoulder will have a direct effect on the vertebrae underneath the saddle region, and the ability of the horse to bascule, or round itself over a fence.
To clear the height and the spread of an obstacle, a horse calls on extraordinary strength from its muscles and ligaments. During the take-off stage of the jump maximum force is applied to hindquarters, with particular force through the muscles supporting the pelvis, stifle and hocks. In the landing phase the forehand braces to absorb the concussion, causing strain to the chest, shoulder, back and neck muscles.
Niagara Equissage is a safe, easy to use, natural, non-aggressive and non-invasive way to effectively warm up and warm down your horse, prevent common issues, improve performance and maintain your horse in peak condition.
Show Jumpers worldwide love how Niagara Equissage provides a full body workout, equivalent to a 5 mile walk for their competition horse. Niagara Equissage gently penetrates through 4 feet of bone and 2 feet of tissue to provide the following benefits to Show Jumping horses,
- Increased blood flow, which aids in recovery of fatigued muscles, helps to absorb concussion, and reduces strain to the chest, shoulder, back and neck muscles
- Improved lymphatic drainage to assist in reducing swelling and soft tissue trauma
- Relaxation of the muscles, helps to prevent restriction in forelimb movement and improve extension
- Improved join mobility to help with agility, balance, control and power
Niagara Equissage is an essential tool in improving the health and performance of horses in every stable.

See All- Show Jumping Trainer & Competitor
"The Niagara Equissage helps my horses perform to the best of their ability and be more consistent. It also helps them to recover quickly from competetion."
- Show Jumping Trainer & Competitor
"The Niagara Equissage definitely helps my horses relax in the show ring."
- "We use the Niagara Equissage pad on the horses every day, they are all much more supple, it is a very important part of their daily healthcare routine."